Hamburg smartPort

Ham­burg  smart­Port – the in­tel­li­gen­t port

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In the port of Ham­burg, state-of-the-art di­gi­ta­l in­tel­li­gence guar­an­tees a smooth, ef­fi­ci­en­t op­er­a­tion. The con­trol ­sys­te­ms used by the HPA are world-lead­ing, while the in­ter­ac­tion be­tween sen­sor tech­nology and ana­ly­sis, fore­cast­ing and in­for­ma­ti­on ­sys­te­ms de­liv­ers huge ef­fici­ency im­prove­ments. This is not only good for busi­ness, it also pro­tects the en­vi­ron­ment. The di­gi­tal trend also en­sures that we will con­tinue to main­tain our lead­ing ­po­si­ti­on in Ger­many and Eu­ro­pe. Thanks to its smart­PORT phi­lo­so­phy, the Ham­burg Port Aut­ho­ri­ty is achiev­ing sus­tain­able eco­nomic growth and max­i­mum ben­e­fit for its cus­tomers and the peo­ple of Ham­burg, while mi­ni­mising its en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact. In ad­di­tion, smart­Port is con­stantly be­ing de­vel­oped and adapted.
smart­PORT lo­gis­tics. Thanks to in­tel­li­gen­t so­lu­tions for the flow of traf­fic and goods, the HPA is im­prov­ing the port’s ef­fici­ency. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics com­bines eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gical as­pec­ts in three sub-sec­tors: traf­fic flows, in­fra­structure and the flow of goods. An in­ter­mo­da­l Port­Traf­fic cen­tre for sea, rail and road trans­port forms the ba­sis for net­work­ing the flow of traf­fic. In­tel­li­gen­t net­work­ing is a pre­req­ui­site for smooth, ef­fici­en­t trans­port in the port of Ham­bur­g and ul­ti­mately for the flow of goods: op­ti­mum da­ta cap­ture and rapid in­for­ma­ti­on shar­ing al­low lo­gis­tics man­agers, car­ri­ers and agen­ts to se­lect the most efficien­t means of trans­port for their goods.
smart­PORT en­er­gy. The HPA pro­motes en­vi­ron­men­tally-friend­ly mo­bi­li­ty and ad­vo­cates re­du­ced en­er­gy con­sump­tion. smart­PORT en­er­gy there­fore helps limit its de­pen­dence on con­ven­tio­nally gen­er­ated power, re­duce emis­sio­ns and save money. It fo­cuses on three core ar­eas: re­newable en­er­gi­es, en­er­gy ­ef­fici­ency and mo­bi­li­ty.
Nav­i­ga­tion in real-time. Thou­san­ds of trucks drive through the port of Ham­bur­g every day. To en­sure that the traf­fic flows ef­fici­ently, the HPA com­bines var­i­ous ser­vices and func­ti­ons. Any­one dri­ving around the port ben­e­fits from per­so­na­li­sed nav­i­ga­tion. As well as in­for­ma­tio­n about the traf­fic sit­u­a­tion in and around the port, they also have ac­cess to park­ing and in­fra­struc­ture ­in­for­ma­tio­n, clo­sures of the move­able bridges, as well as the lat­est in­for­ma­tion on im­por­tant op­er­a­tions.
Shore power from re­new­able en­er­gies. Thanks to a land­side cruise liner power sup­ply sourced from re­newa­ble en­er­gi­es, we are sig­nif­i­cantly re­ducing the en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact in Ham­burg. These ocean-go­ing gi­ants are sup­plied with elec­tric­ity via a trans­former ­sta­ti­on and mo­bi­le trans­fer mech­a­nism at the Al­to­na cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal. The di­men­sio­ns of the land­side power plant are unique in Eu­ro­pe. We are cur­rently con­sid­er­ing us­ing sim­i­lar mo­dels in other ar­eas of the port in fu­ture.
 In­tel­li­gen­t rail­way point. Fre­quently used points on the har­bour rail­way are fit­ted with sen­so­rs that trans­mit da­ta to a cen­tra­l IT sys­tem in real-time. They col­lect a va­ri­ety of data by mov­ing or pass­ing over the switch­ing points and thereby pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the con­di­tion and wear of the es­sen­tial op­er­a­tional in­ter­sec­tions. The ben­e­fit: we can iden­tify main­te­nance work or re­pai­rs at an early stage, thereby avoid­ing down­time.
The mo­bi­le all-pur­pose sen­sor. Where is the float­ing crane? Which emer­gency ve­hi­cle is clos­est to the in­ci­dent? In or­der to be able to an­swer such ques­tions, a mo­bi­le GPS sen­sor is cur­rently be­ing de­vel­oped, which wire­lessly for­wards da­ta to the HPA IT sys­tem. As well as in­tel­li­gen­t fleet ­ma­nage­ment, we will also use the sen­sor for other mea­sure­ments, such as tem­pe­ra­ture, wind ­speed and di­rec­tion, air pol­lu­tion and the flow of the Elbe.
Smar­t main­te­nance. The in­fra­struc­ture in the port of Ham­bur­g is mon­i­tored us­ing mobi­le end de­vices, such as ta­blets or smart­pho­nes. When con­trolling roads, bridges and tracks, these de­vices au­to­ma­tically send mea­sure­ments to the down­stream IT sys­te­ms, where the da­ta is processed, stored and edited. The aim is to make the main­te­nance ­proces­ses more ef­fec­ti­ve and ef­fici­en­t and to im­prove the qua­li­ty of no­ti­fi­ca­tions.
Vir­tu­al de­pot. Truck jour­neys with empty con­tai­ners put an un­nec­es­sary strain on the en­vi­ron­ment. We have there­fore de­vel­oped the so-called vir­tua­l de­pot to op­ti­mise the move­ment of empty con­tai­ners be­tween pack­ing ­companies. The cloud-­ba­sed sys­tem in­forms par­tic­i­pat­ing op­er­a­tors which con­tai­ners are to be de­liv­ered back to the de­pot. The pack­ing com­pany then re­quests these di­rectly. The re­sult: no more un­nec­es­sary empty trips to the de­pot.
 Port Mo­ni­tor. The con­trol room soft­ware, Port Mo­ni­tor, al­lows us to keep all the stake­hold­ers in the port of Ham­bur­g up-to-date. A va­ri­ety of in­for­ma­tio­n is cen­trally gath­ered and can also be ac­cessed re­motely, such as elec­tro­nic cards, ves­sel ­po­si­tio­ns, wa­ter level­ da­ta, berths, cur­rent con­struc­tion sites, planned dives and bridge heights and widths. Im­por­tant in­for­ma­tio­n is there­fore al­ways ac­ces­si­ble to all those in­volved on land and on the wa­ter.
 e-Mo­bi­li­ty in the port. Elec­tric ve­hi­cles are be­com­ing in­creas­ingly com­mon­place in road trans­port. We are also re­view­ing ways of ex­tend­ing e-Mo­bi­li­ty to pas­sen­ger and freight traf­fic in the har­bour area. We are there­fore press­ing ahead with charg­ing in­fra­struc­ture, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the op­er­a­tors of pub­lic charg­ing pil­lars. At the cruise ship ­ter­mi­nal, we plan to use pref­er­en­tial e-Ta­xis. In ad­di­tion, we are analysing the vi­a­bil­ity of e-Mo­bi­li­ty for our staff.
 Par­king for pro­fessionals. Al­ways know­ing where the near­est free park­ing space is and prefer­ably re­serv­ing this – we aim to ful­fil this re­quire­ment with the smart­PORT lo­gis­tics app for trucks. Its com­pre­hen­sive park­ing ­ma­nage­ment guar­an­tees op­ti­mum util­i­sa­tion of ex­ist­ing and fu­ture truck park­ing spaces within the port. The sys­tem’s fea­tures in­clude the de­tec­tion and man­age­ment of park­ing spaces­, es­pe­cially with a view to re­liev­ing the pres­sure in neigh­bour­ing city dis­tricts.
 Re­newa­ble en­er­gi­es. By fo­cusing on in­no­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gi­es, the HPA is adopt­ing a pi­o­neer­ing role in Ger­many on the is­sue of a turn­around in en­ergy pol­icy. At the cen­tre of this is the ef­fici­en­t use and ex­pan­sion of the ex­ist­ing net­works, and above al­l op­tions for gen­er­at­ing re­newa­ble en­er­gi­es. We are cur­rently re­view­ing wind and so­lar power and even bio­en­er­gy, be­cause af­ter all large quan­ti­ties of bio­mas­s also ac­cu­mu­late in and around the har­bour area.

CargoSmart Leverages Solace IoT

HHLA and MAN launch “Hamburg Truck Pilot”
MAN Truck & Bus and HHLA to test automated and autonomous trucks. MAN Truck & Bus and Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) have signed a co-operation agreement to test automated and autonomous trucks as part of the mobility partnership between Volkswagen AG and the City of Hamburg, host of the 2021 Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress (ITS). The HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder and an approximately 70-kilometre stretch of motorway on the A7 will be the scene of practical tests.
Test to provide important findings. This marks the start of a highly innovative research and test project called “Hamburg Truck Pilot” to develop automation solutions in road transport. The partnership between MAN and HHLA aims to realistically analyse and validate the exact requirements for customer-specific use and the integration of autonomous trucks into the automatic container handling process. At the same time, forward-looking standards are to be defined for methodology and implementation.
Project – part of ITS strategy. “The ‘Hamburg Truck Pilot’ project is another important step in MAN’s development of automated driving. As with other projects, the focus here is on integrating the system into concrete work processes for future users. “Together with HHLA, we will generate important findings for the further development of the technology into a customer-ready system,” said Dr. Frederik Zohm, Member of the Executive Board for Research and Development at MAN Truck & Bus.
“Hamburg Truck Pilot” is a crucial to Hamburg’s ITS strategy in the field of “Automated and Networked Driving”. It will be presented at the 28th ITS World Congress, underway in Hamburg from October 10-15, 2021. js/pb Sources and further information:

Photo: Marek Grzybowski